Images from IN THE TIME OF THE BUTTERFLIES (scroll down for production info).

IN THE TIME OF THE BUTTERFLIES by Caridad Svich (based on the novel by Julia Alvarez)

American Southwest Theatre Company at New Mexico State University

directed by Larissa Lury

IN THE TIME OF THE BUTTERFLIES captures the story of four sisters in the Dominican Republic, who became activists and heros, standing up against Trujillo's regime. It is a play about what it takes to get us to move, about what it means to be a revolutionary. It is a play not about the deaths, but about the lives of all four of the Mirabal sisters, and a woman from the U.S. seeking her place in all of this.

scenic design by Jim Billings
costume design by Deb Brunson
lighting design by Jim Billings
sound design by Matthew Reynolds
stage managed by Mike Wise

cast: Daniela Castorena, Parigrynne Cox, Stephanie Drake, Monika Mojika, and Stephanie Vasquez-Fonseca

production photos by Jim Billings and Mike Wise